Thematic sessions

The following thematic sessions have been approved:

Exploring multi-level species responses to environmental changes in tropical mountainous ecosystems

This session aims to convene ecologists and researchers to delve into the intricate relationship between biodiversity, climate, and vegetation in tropical mountainous ecosystems.

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Current trends in tropical African plant ecology: from species to ecosystems; from conservation to sustainable use

African's major terrestrial and coastal biomes comprises a wealthy repository of biodiversity, with a high proportion of native and endemic plant species, which makes it biologically unique and provides a wide range of ecosystem services.

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Tropical Molecular Ecology

Tropical environments are under threat for a variety of reasons including human population expansion and encroachment, habitat loss and fragmentation, and climate change.

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Adapting to Change: Exploring the Ecology and Evolution of Tropical rainforest Understory Species Amidst a Changing World

Large trees dominate one’s perspective of the African tropical rainforest, which is mirrored in a research focus on canopy trees.

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Ecosystem services and conservation of tropical wetlands

Wetlands are very important yet highly threatened.

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Multi-trophic interactions in tropical forests and agro-forestry systems

Tropical forests are known for their incredibly complex networks of species interactions.

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Role and potential of working dogs in conservation in the tropics

Use of dogs in conservation for wildlife population research, monitoring, management, prevention and enforcement of wildlife crimes is increasing globally due to the dogs’ superior olfactory system and ability to develop close working relationships with humans.

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A spotlight on cutting-edge technologies for biodiversity monitoring in tropical ecosystems

The tropics are renowned as global bastions of biodiversity but are increasingly imperilled by human activities.

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On the ecological and social dimensions of hydropower development across the tropics

The burgeoning energy demand worldwide has led to a proliferation of hydroelectric dams, firstly in the northern hemisphere and subsequently across tropical developing countries, which have become the new hydropower frontier.

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Tropical chemical ecology - current questions, future trends

Chemical cues and signals are widespread mechanisms that guide a diverse array of species interactions.

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The seasonality of tropical forest/tree functioning

Tropical moist forests form a closed canopy with a complex vertical structure under warm and wet environments, where rainfall is evenly distributed.

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Tropical Forest conservation and management under a changing climate

Climate change is predicted to drive regional climate disruption and instability across the world, increasingly threatening global biodiversity, and ecosystem service delivery.

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The role of biodiversity for biotic interactions and ecosystem functioning

Climate and land-use change modify the structure and composition of ecosystems across the globe.

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Towards sustainable, equitable and safe wildmeat use in Tropical and sub-tropical countries: opportunities, lessons learnt, obstacles and risks

Wild meat refers to meat sourced from non-domesticated terrestrial mammals, birds, reptiles, and amphibians.

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Sustainable agriculture and biodiversity conservation in the tropics

The goal of this conference session is to explore the synergies between sustainable agriculture practices, such as agroforestry and organic farming, and biodiversity conservation in tropical regions.

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Non-invasive molecular methods for biodiversity monitoring in tropical ecosystems

Effective and efficient biomonitoring tools are critical to evaluate biodiversity and ecosystem health.

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Recent Advances in Tropical Ecological Modelling

Tackling the complexity of ecological systems and understanding patterns and processes for the advancement of theoretical ecology and informing policy makers has been the main goals of Ecological Modelling.

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Fossil fuels in tropical forests: corporate impunity, pollution and unextractable resources

Tropical rainforests have an essential role in mitigating the increasing negative effects of the climate crisis.

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iEcology and the power of digital data in biodiversity conservation in the Tropics

In the age of smartphones and information technology, digital data, including social media content, has enormous potential to support and complement traditional ecological data.

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Bridging Gaps: Integrating Local Ecological Knowledge in Tropical Ecology

Tropical ecosystems face unprecedented challenges, such as deforestation, defaunation and climate change.

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Understanding drivers of evolution and adaptation in Neotropical biodiversity

The American tropics – Neotropics – comprise more species than any other region on Earth, due to a complex interaction of biotic and abiotic processes.

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