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iEcology and the power of digital data in biodiversity conservation in the Tropics

Short title: iEcology in the tropics

Chairs: Fernanda Alves-Martins, Javier Martinez-Arribas

Contact: ferfealvesmartins@gmail.com

In the age of smartphones and information technology, digital data, including social media content, has enormous potential to support and complement traditional ecological data. iEcology, an emerging research field that uses digital data to study ecological patterns, has demonstrated its potential to provide fresh insights into species distribution, their phenological and behavioral patterns, among other valuable applications. Furthermore, it plays a crucial role in filling biodiversity knowledge gaps, particularly in tropical countries that have historically faced challenges regarding the collection and availability of biodiversity data. The symposium aims to showcase some case studies and discuss the use of internet and social media data as significant sources of information for conservation science in the tropics.

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